01 April, 2011

- Harper's Reductio Ad Absurdum Tax Policy - If Harper won't Debate Ignatieff, Perhaps Harper Will Debate Me

Posted: 9:41 AM on April 1, 2011 Globe and Mail
It's jobs versus quality of life in quest for middle-income votes, John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail, March 30, 2011

But, then I heard Harper's doesn't seem to be taking questions anymore on serious matters.

Harper is not interested in creating jobs.

Harper is only interested in creating RVSB (rationality void sound bites) - catchy little phrases that are intended to excite rather than appeal to rationality.

The only jobs Harper is concerned about is his own, as Prime Minster, and perhaps a few of the Harper ministers, and his friends from whom he gets more than a little help.

Take the reduction in GST - it was a catchy bite, but as far as economics is concerned a disaster.

Ian Brodie, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff, said in Montreal at the annual conference of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada.

“Despite economic evidence to the contrary, in my view the GST cut worked … It worked in the sense that it helped us to win.”

In the spirit of Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau "Reason Before Emotion"

It is simple arithmetic to know that

Every Canadian tax dollar that flows outside Canada is one less tax dollar that can go towards pay a Canada a wage.

Harper's $30 billion squandering on F-35's is going to the US. There may be some blow back. But, that only 10 cents on the dollar

Harper's Corporate tax reductio ad absurdum policy will see a very large portion flowing outside Canada since the the International Corp will benefit greatly and as the name says they are "internationally" owned i.e. outside Canada - this, of course, includes any Corporation related to oil and gas - like they need a break, we're paying 1.29 a litre at the pump and they need a break!

Spending this money on health care, seniors, child care,education not only improves the quality of our lives, each and every one of us.

But the money stays in Canada, goes towards paying wages to Canadians and not Americans.

More money staying in Canada = more jobs created in Canada

It just doesn't get any simpler than that.

It gives us 100 cents on the dollar

Oh, and by the way, did I mention - 10's billions on prisons is just bad policy and unsound judgement - explain that to our children when they must pay off Canada's debt. Tell that to the people when the health care funds disappear.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html