10 April, 2011

- The fact-vectors point to chances that Harper was aware of Carson's full background - very high.

Tried to post it to Ottawa Citizen: 9:14am, PDT, 10 Apr.'11 but got the message: "We are unable to add your comment at this time" - go figure
Harper hasn't explained away the Carson story
By Jeff Sallot, The Ottawa Citizen April 9, 2011

Well Hogtie me and call me Niccolò if I'm not Right (morally right that is, as opposed to in a right-wing extremist sort of way)

Carson a "senior policy adviser from 2006 to 2008"

But, 2006 -2008, wasn't that at the same time Maxime Bernier was running around with that bombshell with alleged ties to a major biker gang.

Wasn't there a big security blow-up then in which Harper, denied knowledge and he and the Con's stonewalled.

And then wasn't Jaffer in Ottawa during that time as well.

It was a fun time in the old town then,

And, didn't Harper deny any knowledge in these scandals.

Now come on guys, the evidence is mounting.

There's something rotten in the state of Harper

Also, this article doesn't mention that Carson apparently goes, back, way back with the the Con's and it was likely his working for Joe Clark and Brian Mulroney that gave him the in with Harper.


"According to the federal government’s guidelines, Carson’s manager could have overruled the security
agencies’ recommendations and hired him, regardless of any warnings highlighted." (Montreal Gazette, 9 Apr.'11)

Well, boys, I think we have our answer.

The fact-vectors point to security review being overridden by Harper because of Carson's long time political connections

and the chances that Harper was aware of Carson's full background - very high.

The explanation Harper simply doesn't care with 33% right-wing extremist die-hard support he can do, and does do, whatever he likes.

As far as the recanted phone call by Carson to Harper the night before the cabinet shuffle.

If we want to know the truth

Just ask Harper (ha, ha,ha, a little joke)

If Harper says he doesn't remember ask him to review the records and then tell us - and you can betcha there are records - or at least should be

which reminds me, what ever happened to the Afghan Detainee Transfer scandal you'd think that would be front and centre during the election.

My apologies, I didn't get to an analysis of the Jeffer scandal - but I think its clear now what goes with Harper

The immortal words of Gilles Duceppe are still ringing in my ears:

"[Harper] lied this morning"

When Harper said at the beginning of the election “Let me be perfectly clear . . . "

the similarities to Nixon just about floored me

from the cover-ups, the impeachment (Canada style), the hollow promises to end corruption,

right down to the "let me make myself perfectly clear"

During the debate on Tuesday look for Harper in his closing statement to look directly into the camera, raise his two hand with his fingers making the 'V' signs and saying

"I am not a liar"

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html