08 April, 2011

- With Harper The Devil's In The Details and Our Health Care Will Go To Hell For It

Posted: 8:45 PM on April 8, 2011
Tories pledge to tackle deficit a year ahead of schedule, STEVEN CHASE, Globe and Mail Update, Apr. 08, 2011 8:01PM EDT

If the facts were 'vectors' they all point to:

Harper eliminating the Health Care and/or, Equalization and/or Social Transfers in 2014, or seriously gut them.

That is the only way Harper economics can work

However, Harper in his magisterial magnanimity apparently won't cut the 6% increases now. Considering this is part of the agreement with the Provinces and so legally he can't . . . sorry I'm dealing with the guy who makes the laws

When it comes to Health Care

Harper simply states in the budget that Health Care transfers after 2013 - 2014 are subject to change

So, what 'change' could we expect from Harper if he became Prime Minister again, inquiring Canadians ask

A review of the report of the Parliamentary Budget Officer in 3 Nov.'10 shows that continuing with the Harper and Con economic policies and spending, there is very little chance the budget will be balance by '14-'15, for one reason the 6% transfer for health care being unsustainable under Harper's economic policies

Today Harper stated:
"we will eliminate the deficit in 2014 a full year ahead of schedule"

and will do this by cutting $11 billion from spending.

How much more Harper spending 'fat' is there to trim

Cutting $11 billion and Harper won't be specific - surprise, surprise

I guess Harper feels it is simply

just too complicated to discuss during an election

right up there with the cost of his Criminal Legislation and the F-35's purchase and the Afghan Detainee Transfer Scandal.

Harper was in Contempt of Parliament for withholding the costs of his Criminal and Military policies

Withholding the details of the intended spending cuts so people can know whose jobs will be lost and what programs will be cut he is in contempt of the voters.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html