18 April, 2011

- "batteries, ooops, sorry typo, engine not included". Harper, read the box!

Submitted: 7:43am, PDT, 18 Apr.'11 - The Toronto Star
Engines included in F-35 deal, officials insist, Apr 17 2011, The Toronto Star

If Canada can buy the planes at $75 m, but they actually will cost around $110 - $150 m and counting. Perhaps we should buy some at $75 m and sell them back to the US at $100 m and make a tidy little profit - I could go for that.

No engines???

Well that could add to the cost, couldn't it?

When asked about whether Canada's F35's would cost $75 million (as claimed by Harper) Mike Sullivan, director of acquisition management at the US General Accountability Office said he doesn't know where that number came from "That's not a number that I am familiar with at all,"(CBC, 29 Mar.'11)

You've got the right (morally) Mr. Sullivan and you know what.

Canadians don't know where that number comes from either because Harper refused to give us.

Harper was so determined that we don't have the facts that he was found in contempt of Parliament (for our American audience read 'impeached').

The reasons Harper refused is becoming clearer and clearer - if Canadians knew the truth about the real cost of the F35's, he would loose.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog comments