30 April, 2011

- Harper on a Good Day, can't be Believed. But, on a Good 'Con' Day, All Trustworthiness Is Cast Aside

submitted: 9:09am, PDT, 30 Apr.'11 CBC
NDP cap-and-trade plan would hike gas prices: Pembina
CBC News Posted: Apr 29, 2011

It is just counter-intuitive a Cap-and-Trade system would not add to the cost of gas at the pump.


If Harper says $.10 a litre I feel very confident that it would, in reality, be much less.

If $.10 a litre were a reasonable estimate, Harper would, on a good day, be claiming it would add $.15 cents, and on a good Con day, claiming $.20

The question about Cap and Trade is whether the system put in place is revenue neutral

Right now it is the price of gas that we must be concerned about.

The biggest threat to our recovering economy is the increases in Oil and Gas and the inevitable sky-rocketing costs of everything else because of it

Not only do the previously undreamt of prices at the pump suck the money money right out of our pockets like someone stuck a vacuum cleaner in them

But also, the money flows outside Canada to some of the largest and wealthiest International Companies in the world

Exxon Mobil Corp. "led an investor-friendly but politically charged oil industry earnings parade Thursday with its quarterly profit of $10.7-billion (U.S.)." (G&M, 29 Apr.'11)

- that's after tax - why do they need a tax break, I need a Petrol break.

and the cost of everything increases accordingly since it takes gas to get the raw materials to the factory and the value added goods to the consumer.

Along with the inflation will come loss of jobs, reduced standard of living, increase in the number of families that can't make ends meet

It's just that simple.

Harper's strategy can be summed up in three words:


'Nada' for the tax the Oil companies should pay

'Nada' for the regulation towards environmental control


'Nyet' for the help to Canadians who need it.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html