11 April, 2011

- The kicker is that Harper then transferred the G20 to downtown Toronto so Tony Clement's riding would not get trashed

Submitted: 10:22am, PDT, 11 Apr.'11 CBC
Auditor's draft report alleges Tories misspent G8 funds, The Canadian Press, CBC News, Apr 11, 2011

Posted: 2:04 PM on April 11, 2011
Tories misled Parliament on G8 spending: Auditor-General, JOAN BRYDEN, Ottawa— The Canadian Press, G&M, Apr. 11, 2011

The kicker is that Harper then transferred the G20 to downtown Toronto so Tony Clement's riding would not get trashed as we saw happen in Toronto.

'In an interview with CTV's Canada AM Monday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper denounced the violence that he called "pretty disturbing and pretty deplorable."

[Stephen Harper]
"That said, these leaders, we attend summits all the time and we know the unfortunate reality is that these summits attract a certain thuggish criminal element. And that's just the reality," he said.

"Unfortunately, when you have peaceful protests, there are some who use it for other purposes… So leaders understand, we've seen it in other cities, we're going to see it again in the future."

Harper has said that the protests and the ensuing police crackdown explain why the security bill at these summits reached more than $1 billion.'

(Toronto cleaning up from G20 vandalism, 28 Jun.'10, CTV News
(see: cicblog.com/comments.html, 28 Jun.'10)

So, Mr. Harper if you knew there would be this kind of trouble why did you place it in the Toronto core

I posted to cicblog.com/comments.html 21 Nov.'10:
$50 million 'legacy infrastructure fund' to the Muskoka Region (including Tony Clement's riding) and the Con-Nada Fund to Toronto.
. . .

Conservative MP Ed Holder (London West) called the fund “a gift to the region, a chance for all Canadians to say ‘thank you’.

Yet officials were unable to explain why Toronto — which saw its downtown core virtually shut down for the G20 summit — wasn’t compensated as well."

It's not rocket science.

It's Harperavelli logic:

Toronto needs to be made an example of;


Clement needs all the favors he can get.

Toronto didn't vote for Harper and his Con's.

Clement is a focal-point of die-hard, right-wing extremism in Ontario which makes him important to Harper efforts to maintain power. He lost the first time running Federally (in '04) and the second time won by only 28 votes. Clement carries serious baggage from his days with Mike Harris and has done some very unpopular things carrying out Harper orders, including undemocratically abolishing the Long Form Census, and his support early this year of the undemocratic Harper prorogation:
"Clement claimed that only the “elites” and “chattering classes” care about prorogation" (Wikipedia)

It certainly is not outside the realm of likely that announcing the G20 in Clement's ridging at first was to give the excuse to spend the $50 million, Harper, Clement and the Con's knowing they would be switching it to Toronto after the money is used up.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html