09 April, 2011

- Harper: We Know What We Are Doing - Yah, Right - Well The People Of Canada Don't

Submitted: 10:07am, PDT, 9 Apr.'11
Tories vow to eliminate deficit early, Senate reform end to party subsidies and new legislation to fight terrorism part of party platform released Friday, CBC News, Apr 8, 2011

"We know what we are doing," said Flaherty.

That is the problem

Harper knows too well what he is doing


the people of Canada don't

and Harper refuses to release the information so that we may see whether the cost of Harper running this country is reasonable

or is it even rational, for that matter

And that explains why Harper refuses to release details:

who would vote Con if they knew what they were really buying and how much it really costs

Harper was found in Contempt of Par. - impeachment Canadian style - for hiding the details on the costs of his criminal and military policies

there are three issues:

- Whether Harper's policies will benefit Canadians as a whole as opposed to a small segment of right-wing extremists that support Harper and the Con's pretty much no matter what - even if Harper were to appoint Carson as Minister of Justice (he can't do that, can he??? - yah, 'Right' - Harper makes the rules and, hey, he's done it before)

Harper owes this Extremist Minority and anyone who thinks that Harper will not have to pay the piper, especially if he gets a majority are simply in denial, or one of these Extremists.

- Now Harper won't release the information to determine whether what he is claiming about reducing the budget it is at all doable - without trashing jobs, existing programs and especially Health Care.

- even if the Moderate Majority could tolerate these Con policies, what about the costs.

We are the ones, each and every one of us to a man, woman and child, that will have to pay. But, worse, it is also our children and our children's children that will be left to pay the crippling financial debt as well as the impacts of Harper's policies regarding just about everything.

We must prevent leaving for future generations a debt burden that is so crippling that the economy collapses into third world oblivion like almost happened with Mulroney.

Let us not leave our children with the resentment that we were ever given a turn at the helm.

Oh, and by the way did I mention:

If anybody knows what that are doing in eliminating deficits that is the Liberal Party - especially when the deficit is created by the political Right ahh ahh choo - Brian Mulroney ..oooo!!! - sorry, I sneezed)

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html