18 April, 2011

- Harper: Oh and By the Way, Did I Mention, The F-35s' come Without Engines

- Harper: Oh and By the Way, Did I Mention, The F-35s' come Without Engines

Submitted: 7:58 am, PDT, 18 Apr.'11

The reasons Harper refused to give the details on costs of the F35's is becoming clearer and clearer - if Canadians knew the truth about the real cost of the F35's he would loose the election. It's just that simple.

Mr. Sullivan has refuted the argument that Canada purchasing the plane at the height of production will reduce the cost.

In fact, the cost will remain higher until the Americans recoup all their costs and the cheapest time to purchase is at the end of the production where it is all profits.

Perhaps we should look at the price tag other countries purchasing at the same time and see if they are getting them for $75 m.

no engines . . .hhhmmmmm

Harper's master plan is becoming clear.

Canada has no stated military objectives, no stated operations requirements i.e. no objective and no excuse to use them.

So who needs engines, cut the engines and keep the price down.

Why is the DND saying

"Ottawa has committed approximately $9 billion to the acquisition of 65 F-35 aircraft"

what else is Harper hiding/lying about.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog comments