15 April, 2011

- Only Harper Knows What Evil Lurks in the Heart of the Summit Spending & Afghan Detainee Scandals Reports

submitted: 9:18am, PDT, 15 Apr.'11 CBC News
Re-Submitted: 2:13pm, PDT 15 Apr.'11
(first time it was not posted - go figure)

Ignatieff wants Afghan documents released
CBC News, Apr 15, 2011

It is very convenient for Harper that there is an election

You'd almost think that Harper intentionally manipulated things to have it now.

The facts are Harper knew that both these reports were scheduled to be released now

- the one by the AG slamming (apparently) the Harper spending $50 m to help Tony Clement


- the Afghan Detainee transfer scandal - the scandal where Harper showed so much contempt for our democratic institutions by refusing to release the documents with the information of which we have a perfect right to know.


Harper knows what evil lurks in the heart of these Reports

This explains why Harper refused to release the information necessary to see just how many billions will be squandered on implementing the Con ideologically based, and rationality devoid, criminal policies and military policies.

Harper and the Con's say they want these Reports released but have done nothing to get them released. Harper says that he released the information on the costs of imposing the Con ideology on Canadians. But, he hasn't.

Harper does not want the good people of Canada to know the truth especially during the election when knowing what Harper and the Con's have been running this great country of ours is vital

the reason - Harper wouldn't have a hope in He[redacted]l of being re-elected.

Harper feels he can do whatever he wants since

he has a core of die-hard, right-wing extremist supporters (approx.33%) that will vote for Harper pretty much no matter what

- The Moderate Majority are disengaged and so don't vote and they are not consolidated.

If we want to put an end to Harper's ways, the Moderate majority must consolidate and get out and vote.

It's just that simple.

comments Lloyd MacILquham cicblog