09 April, 2011

- We must hold Harper's feet to the Fire of Truth, Expose His Actions to the Light of Democracy

submitted: 10:53am, PDT, CBC
Tories vow to eliminate deficit early, Senate reform end to party subsidies and new legislation to fight terrorism part of party platform released Friday, CBC News, Apr 8, 2011

"We know what we are doing," said Flaherty.

I almost missed the unmitigated gall in this statement (irony simply doesn't express the concept)

Harper was found in Contempt of Parliament for not giving us the information so that we could determine what he and the Cons were doing with our money on his criminal and military policies.

Harper ran the same risk with the Afghan Detainee transfer Scandal for not telling us what he was doing.

Harper is now refusing to give, meaningful, details on how he will trim $11 billion in Harper gov fat.

And instead of giving us this information

Harper and the Cons say:

'trust us, we know what we're doing'

I guess Harper feels that these things are just to complicated for Canadians to grasp during an election

Yah Right - what is hard to grasp is Canadians letting Harper and the Cons get away with this.

We must hold Harper's feet to the fire of truth and his actions to the light of democracy.

If we don't demand this during an election, with Harper we will never be able to.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html