20 April, 2011

- Harper In Reality Is Threatening To Force Another Election If He Gets a Minority

Submitted: 7:39am, PDT, 20 Apr.'11 CBC
- If the facts were vectors, they all point to this being deliberate by Soudas and the Con's
Tories to Ignatieff: 'Misquote us? Misquote you!' The transcript flap, blow-by-blow, April 19, 2011

So, I guess we can take from this that if there is a minority and another party(s) are asked by the GG if they can form a government that Harper and the Con's would simply refuse to co-operate.

Liberal and Con's together is not that far fetched - just look at England.

Harper is all in favour of co-operation as long as it means everyone one else does what Harper wants and maintains power for him and the Con's.

For Harper and the Con's co-operation with other parties to support them in power is simply not in their right-wing extremist ideology.


What Harper is really saying is if he gets a minority and unable to form a government
He will try to force another election.

He will ask the Governor General to call another election (keep in mind that this is the GG that Harper appointed and yet to demonstrate his hold on Canadian Democracy)

mere days after the end of this one.

Harper will try to use this to force the Opposition into allowing him to rule again.

Why should Canadians be held hostage by Harper.

Wouldn't it be better for Canada and all Canadians to simply not vote for Harper and the Con's

After all Harper is only supported by a minority of Canadians

The best solution for Canada and all Canadians is to have the Moderate Majority engage, get out and vote and close off Harper continuing to abuse Democracy and the Canadian way.

comments Lloyd MacILquham cicblog