06 April, 2011

- Mr. Harper, Something Not Right Here . . . I Mean Too Right

Submitted: 1:48pm, PDT, 6 Apr.'11 CBC


Not our job to restrict rally access: RCMP
Force reminds officers that only responsibility is to protect leaders
CBC News Posted: Apr 6, 2011 2:50 PM ET Last Updated: Apr 6, 2011 3:35 PM ET Read 155

"The RCMP assisted the party organizers in restricting access to persons not registered for the private event," Sgt. Greg Cox said in the statement.

According to
The London Free Press, 5 Apr.'11:

"Hamadi said he was asked to leave the rally at the Four Points Sheraton by an organizer because of an NDP bumper sticker on his vehicle.

. . .

Aslam and a friend registered online to attend Harper’s Sunday rally — part of the restrictions the Conservatives place on such events.

. . .

Aslam said he ripped off their name tags, tore them up and ordered them out.

'He said, "We know you guys have ties to the Liberal party through Facebook,”' Aslam said. 'He said . . . "You are no longer welcome here."’

I am having a lot of trouble understanding that it was the RCMP that kicked these people out of the London rally.

First the apparently the girls were registered and the RCMP statement seems to apply only to "unregistered" attendees.

Second, I have a lot of difficulty seeing the RCMP checking the Internet for other party connections of people attending these events.

Third, I have difficulty seeing that an RCMP "ripped off their name tags" - which to me suggests some kind of animosity against the person based on party affiliation and why would the RCMP be so hostile to someone simply because they had a picture taken with Ignatieff.

It seems to me that perhaps Harper's officials searched the attendees, including the Internet, for other party connections and requested the RCMP to remove them.

I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of these 'ejectees' were discussing matters with their lawyers right now.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html