09 April, 2011

- Harper: Let Me Pull A Balanced Budget Out of My Hat

Submitted: 10:04am, PDT, 9 Apr.'11 CBC
Tories vow to eliminate deficit early, Senate reform end to party subsidies and new legislation to fight terrorism part of party platform released Friday, CBC News, Apr 8, 2011

"[Flaherty] told reporters the promises would be delivered within the government's mandate if elected."

So, now we know why Harper has claimed to speed up balancing the budget a year earlier, no matter how stupid it sounds.

Harper must have come to his senses and

realized the insanity of promising all these tax breaks after the budget was balanced and saying it will be balance in '15 - meaning there must be another another election in between. Now they are saying it will be before the next election.

The fact of the matter is

with the Harper policies it is simply not credible that the budget would ever get balanced

Except by

Harper eliminating the Health Care and/or, Equalization and/or Social Transfers in 2014, or seriously gut them.

That is the only way Harper economics can work

(compare: Report by the Parliamentary Budget Officer in November)

Why has Harper allowed so much excess spending anyway - he keeps saying he is fiscally sound, but now he is admitting to $11 billion a year excess and using it to try and get our votes - that's not right (morally)

How much more Harper 'fat' is there to trim

Harper, if you're really sincere about wanting to trim the Harper gov't fat - resign

Also, $11 billion and he won't be specific - surprise, surprise

How much more Harper spending 'fat' is there to trim

Cutting $11 billion and Harper won't be specific - surprise, surprise

I guess

Harper feels it is simply just too complicated to discuss during an election

right up there with the cost of his Criminal Legislation and the F-35's purchase and the Afghan Detainee Transfer Scandal.

excerpt: comments Lloyd MacILquham cicblog