11 April, 2011

- Harper is Too Cute By Half

Posted: 11:25 AM on April 11, 2011 National Post
Harper refuses to identify spending cuts, Chris Wattie/Reuters, Apr 10,
National Post, 2011 4:41 PM ET http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/04/10/harper-refuses-to-identify-spending-cuts/

- We must hold Harper's feet to the Fire of Truth, Expose His Actions to the Light of Democracy

Everybody understands why Harper is refusing to identy spending cuts.

Also, Harper is being very irrational on this issue since

Harper has had 5 years to find and eliminate this $4 billion a year and ought to have so done if he could
I am surprised that he would admit that he hasn't, given his claims as to fiscal prudence,

especially if it could be cut without seriously jeopardizing existing programs and Health Care

In fact Harper has increased spending considerably in the 5 years in power, by 17.6 per cent over their first three years in power - before the stimulus spending (see: thetyee.ca, 2010/01/19/, Van Sun 7 Feb.'11)

He spent our tax dollars like a drunken sailor to buy our votes, now he is promising to undo all his waste to get our votes.


excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html