19 June, 2012

- 'Fear and Greed' - That's So 'Con'

Posted: 10:24 AM on 6/19/2012

If the Liberals can't save themselves..., Andrew Coyne, Winnipeg Free Press, 19 Jun.'12

"a willingness to go where the other parties would not go, but where expert opinion and the national interest would advise, whether this placed it on the right or the left on any given issue."

Basically I concur.

Although this approach has its drawbacks as well.

It seems there have been many studies that show 60% or more vote based on the emotions - hence almost the definition of a 'Right Wing' party is their employment of 'Fear' and 'Greed' to reach out to voters - as is so obvious with Harper and the Con's.

But, with this approach the benefits go to all Canadians and the country as a whole and not a small, sometimes very well defined, ideologically and/or graphically, group.

It promotes togetherism and the concept that government is to help all those that need help and protect all those that need protection, and not simply maximize profits, it builds a nation and not simply 32 million people saying "me".

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

15 June, 2012

That Which We Call A 'Con' By Any Other Name Smells as Much

Posted: 10:14 AM on June 15, 2012

Poll paints bleak future for B.C. Liberals, Justine Hunter, The Globe and Mail, Jun. 13 2012

For Christy Clark and the BC 'Liberal' Party

It is clearly a question of a huge honesty and integrity gap.

She might start trying to regain voter trust and respect by

a gesture of good faith and honesty and

change the party's name to

"Conservative Party of BC"

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

04 June, 2012

- How About a Real "Canada First" defence strategy

submitted: 9:52am, 4 Jun '12

Conservatives to revise $490B defence spending plan
Canada First Defence Strategy features a laundry list of ships, tanks and planes
The Canadian Press
 Posted: Jun 4, 2012 7:20 AM ET

"the $490-billion, 20-year defence policy"

Am I reading this 'right'

Why that's approx $25 billion per year,

For 20 years!

No wonder Harper, MacKay and the Con's

aren't batting an eye lash

(besides it not being their money, of course -

but, to the victor go the spoils is

the 'Con First' Harper Policy )

at $30 billion and counting for 65 F-35's.


When it gets right down to it.

I wonder just how many people in Canada

if they had these numbers brought to their attention

I mean truly, in a straightforward manner,

without the

Harper deception, obscuration, obfuscation, obstruction, hypocrisy,

would think

it is simply insane for Canada

to be spending these mega-amounts on military.

Especially when it is for no other purpose than

Harper implementing his right wing extremist ideology.

Stevo, answer me this.

What war are you planning for Canada.

And just exactly how is this "Canada First"

I wonder how many of our most deserving children could be given a post secondary school education

How many people could rest a bit easier knowing that if they need it the health care will be available to them and their families.

How much could we put towards putting Ontario and Quebec back on their feet.

How much could we put towards our environmental deficit - you know the one that our children and our children's children be left holding the bag on so that International Corporations can maximize their offshore profits.

The biggest stifling factor in job creation and our economy

is the high cost of oil and gasoline at the pumps.

If Harper had any real intention of putting Canada First

and not simply creating wealth outside Canada and very specific sector of the Canadian demographic,

he would put his efforts into some way of reducing the cost of oil and gasoline for all Canadians.


Here's a real "Canada First" defence strategy

Tear up this Con - Canada First Defence Strategy

Put any amounts as we can afford towards child care, education health care

Take real steps to reverse the environmental damage and economy for all Provinces.

You know true Canadian values


Oh, and how about Harper resigning, and holding a new election on this $490 billion military spending.


Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html