22 April, 2011

- Let Not Our Children Regret We Were Ever Given A Turn At the Helm In Allowing Harper Power

- Let Not Our Children Regret We Were Ever Given A Turn At the Helm In Allowing Harper Power

Posted: 11:20 AM on April 22, 2011
(see below)

In response to the reply by jesse261 at 10:53am, to my post at: 10:50 AM on April 22, 2011

Without commenting on your bald assertions about Martin

The difference between Martin and Harper

Harper is a right wing extremist ideologue intolerant of anything and anyone that is not the same or gets in his way.

Giving the reigns of power to someone like Harper can only prove, and has proved, disastrous to the Canadian way of life, and our very social fiber,

which our forefathers spent their blood, sweat and tears building

and for which we are accountable to our children and our children's children

who will very well regret that we were ever given a turn at the helm because we allowed Harper power.

If Harper gets a majority - God save Canada

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html