17 April, 2011

- Harper on Health Care - Is there A Lie Detector in the House

Posted: 2:14 PM on April 17, 2011 Globe and Mail
Ignatieff would call quick health care summit, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail Update, Apr. 17, 2011

Liberals drop gloves with attack ad on Harper’s ‘secret’ health agenda, John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail, April 16, 2011

If the facts were 'vectors' they all point to:

Harper eliminating the Health Care and/or, Equalization and/or Social Transfers in 2014, or seriously gut them.

That is the only way Harper economics can work

A review of the report of the Parliamentary Budget Officer in 3 Nov.'10 shows that continuing with the Harper and Con economic policies and spending, there is very little chance the budget will be balance by '14-'15, for one reason the 6% transfer for health care being unsustainable under Harper's economic policies

That is the only course that fits into Harper core set of values, ideology and political background.

In the financial crisis of the mid '90's when Moody's, and others, was threatening to reduce Canada's credit rating to third world status because of the deficit left by Mulroney and the Tory's

Harper was all in favour of cutting Health-Care and transfer payments to eliminate the deficit and in fact attacked the Liberal for not cutting Health-care and transfer payments enough as a review of Hansand will show.

For example:

" Mr. Stephen Harper (Calgary West, Ref.): Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Finance.

He will know that despite his assurances, which are widely believed, that the government will meet its short term targets, a downgrade of Canada's credit rating now appears to be inevitable. . . .

Will the minister admit that his targets, whether or not they are met, are totally inadequate? That is what the markets are saying. "
(Hansard, Friday, February 17, 1995)


"Harper has been a member of the National Citizens Coalition for almost two decades — and it was founded explicitly to oppose publicly funded, universal Medicare. He ran the organization from 1998-2002, during his political hiatus.";


"In a response to the 2002 Throne Speech, Mr. Harper said: 'A government monopoly is not the only way to deliver health care to Canadians."

Stephen Harper's speech to the Council for National Policy, June 1997:
"First, facts about Canada. Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term . . ."

When confronted with what he say a while ago he quipped that he was just joking - some joke. When you read the speech it doesn't sound like he's joking.

That was only in 2002.

We're not talking in the 60's, 70's or 80's as what Harper has to do mud sling at the Liberals.

We're talking current.

The above reflects what really lurks in the hearts of Harper and his Con's, the fundamental belief that lies at the heart of Harper and his supporters.

This may have been covered up in some kind of cosmetic way, while Harper has a minority in order for his to maintain power.

But, you can betcha, it will be uncovered, and pronto, if Harper were to get a majority.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html