17 April, 2011

- If Harper Gets a Majority He Will Pay the Piper - and We'll be the Ones to Suffer, Literally

Posted: 2:17 PM on April 17, 2011 Globe and Mail
Ignatieff would call quick health care summit, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail Update, Apr. 17, 2011

Liberals drop gloves with attack ad on Harper’s ‘secret’ health agenda, John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail, April 16, 2011

Either Canada implements right-wing extremist policies by electing Steven Harper or Canada has a health care system that Canadians can rely on.

It's just that simple.

Just exactly what has Harper said about Health Care anyway.

Harper simply states in the budget that Health Care transfers after 2013 - 2014 are subject to change

You got that 'Right'.

Since then Harper has stated: "This government has been very clear, not just in this document in black and white but in all our budgets, we are planning on a six per cent ongoing increase for health transfers," (CBC, 8 Apr.'11)

There is a big difference between "plan to" and "promise to".

Plan to by its very meaning implies that it may not come to fruition and even that it could change at a whim.

Also, this statement is not say that Harper will continue 6% beyond the expiry of the Health-Care Accord.

It's scary to have the likes of Harper say he "plans to" - since even when he says he promises to as with the Income trust affair.

Harper in his magisterial magnanimity apparently won't cut the 6% increases now. Considering this is part of the agreement with the Provinces and so legally he can't . . . sorry I'm dealing with the guy who makes the laws

Also, Harper does not need to cut the 6% since it ends in 2014 with the end of the Health Accord with the Provinces.

TO say you are going to 'maintaining the 6% increases' only applies till 2014 since at that time they end.

The issue is what would he do after that.

When you look at the 10's of billions Harper wants to spend on his criminal and military policies, the money won't be there for Health care.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html