28 April, 2011

Harper: "Get the big decisions wrong and it will take a generation to dig ourselves out" - You've Got That Right

Submitted: 7:37am, PDT, 28 Apr.'11 CBC
Final campaign push before royal wedding, CBC News Posted: Apr 28, 2011

"Get the big decisions wrong and it will take a generation to dig ourselves out"

Ironical or what!

Harper, when you're right, you're right - of course, you're always 'Right' - in a right-wing extremist ideological sort of way.

Give Harper a Majority and Our Children and Our Children's Children Will be Digging themselves Out for Generations.

How about spending $30 billions, and counting, on 65 F-35 strike force super-jets - which are designed specifically and really may only be used to anywhere near their capacity in a full pitched war.

How about the 10's billions in implementing Harper's criminal legislation which has no foundation in rationality but only in right-wing ideology, designed to fear monger votes.

How about Harper turning his back on seniors, students health care top give the Oil companies and banks increased profits - we don't need to increase profits, which flow out of Canada faster than the oil, to attract these companies they are already here and doing very well, at our expense - at least by taxing them we recoup some of the money they fleece from us.

Then we have the Healthcare negotiations in '14
- how many generations will it take to undo the damage Harper would do to the Canadian way of life and our social fabric if Harper is allowed to privatize, sorry I meant, renegotiate Healthcare.

Giving the reigns of power to someone like Harper can only prove, and has proved, disastrous to the Canadian way of life, and our very social fiber,

which our forefathers spent their blood, sweat and tears building

and for which we are accountable to our children and our children's children

who will very well regret that we were ever given a turn at the helm because we allowed Harper power.

If Harper gets a majority - God save Canada

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html