15 April, 2011

- Harper on Freedom Of The Press - Yah, Sure, But Not In My Backyard

Posted: 10:24 AM on April 15, 2011
William Kaplan, Stephen Harper’s five-question limit, William Kaplan, Globe and Mail, Friday, Apr. 15, 2011

"Members of the media were predictably indignant. Paul Wells, of Maclean’s, speaking on April 5 on a morning radio show, lamented the restriction: 'The fact is we can’t ask the Prime Minister about real situations that concern real people, we can’t press the Prime Minister for straight answers on things like the cost of his programs, promises he made in the past he hasn’t kept, things like that.'"

I think implicit in Harper's actions is reprisal.

We all know it.

We have all seen it many times.

Vicious personal attacks on the good character of any who dare to stand up to Harper and the Con's, on anyone who dares to speak out.

One possibility that we must consider is:

if the reporters stand up to Harper now, and Harper becomes Prime Minister again, they as individual reporters would suffer some kind of direct reprisal from Harper - like total snubbing - yah, like Harper's ever employed such controlling and manipulating tactics before - ha, ha, ha.

Then there is the media outlet the reporters work for.

Harper and the Con's spread around a lot of money not only on their vicious attack ads but also of all our hard earned tax money on their propagandizement - Harper and the Con's have developed the biggest propaganda machine Western democracies have seen in recent history.

What reporter can suffer such an attack and snubbing on their careers.

What media outlet can suffer such snubbing to their bottom line.

We should all keep in mind that SH-iteration:

'The media in Democracies should: "shine a light into dark corners" of government and "assist the process of holding governments accountable” '


we all know that Stephen Harper was being Severely Hypocritical when he said this.

One of the prime principles of spin Harper employs is to take a weakness and try to turn it into a strength, to take a flaw and make it the opponent's

Harper feels he can do whatever he wants since

he has a core of die-hard, right-wing extremist supporters (approx.33%) that will vote for Harper pretty much no matter what

If Canadians want to put an end to Harper's ways, the Moderate Majority must consolidate and get out and vote.

It's just that simple.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html