20 April, 2011

- Harper's Post Election Strategy - All Canadians Need To Know, Now

Submitted: 9:34am, PDT, 20 Apr.'11 CBC
Tories to Ignatieff: 'Misquote us? Misquote you!' The transcript flap, blow-by-blow, April 19, 2011

What is Harper's post election strategy.

We must all demand that Harper answer that question.

If the Con's gets a minority of seats

Harper will, obviously, demand to be made Prime Minister or demand another election - immediately.


Who recalls Parliament and when does it have to be recalled.

This is not some theoretical musing.

As far as I know Parliament is only required by the Constitution to be called once a year (and practically speaking once a year is also needed to pass spending bills).

But does this apply to an election.

As we have seen in the past Harper is not above suspending Parliament in order to grasp and maintain power.

The party that was in power before the election remains in power after the election until Parliament elects a Party to select a Prime Minister.

This implies that it will be totally under the control of Harper.

If you think that Harper will easily simply say "ok guys, your turn", then you're simply completely out of touch with what's been going on in the last 5 years with Harper and his desire for power.

The phrase "who wins the election" is a misnomer

The election is for PM's who then represent us in Parliament.

Parliament, based on a majority of MP's then elects a Prime Minster.

If one party get a majority of seats then it is a done deal (normally).

But if no party gets a majority of seats the Party that runs the country must rely on other parties to obtain a majority of MP's to support them and it is by no means automatic.

Harper of course has so poisoned the relationships with the other Parties, to the point they could no longer tolerate his Contempt for Parliament and slight of Canadian Democracy and withdrew its confidence in him and his Con's

Harper obviously feels he will not be able to bring himself to approach another party with cap in hand to support him and his Con's.

So, what then.

Harper refusing to recall Parliament for fear he will not be voted in as Prime Minister and the parties that are truly supported by the majority of people prevented from taking their rightly place leading this great country of ours.


Harper demanding another election right after the end of this one.

All Canadians need to know this, now, before it's too late.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html