11 April, 2011

- We must hold Harper's feet to the Fire of Truth, Expose His Actions to the Light of Democracy

Submitted: 9:47am, PDFT, 11 Apr.'11 CBC
Auditor's draft report alleges Tories misspent G8 funds, The Canadian Press, CBC News, Apr 11, 2011

Posted: 2:01 PM on April 11, 2011
Tories misled Parliament on G8 spending: Auditor-General, JOAN BRYDEN, Ottawa— The Canadian Press, G&M, Apr. 11, 2011

"The auditor general says the Harper government allegedly misinformed Parliament to win approval for a $50-million G8 fund that lavished money on dubious projects in a Conservative riding.
And she suggests in a draft report the process may have been illegal"

Apparently, Harper spent this money like a drunken sailor, without any consideration to the needs of the summit and perhaps outside the law (compare Ignatieff, 11 Apr.)

Although allegations of this nature about Harper and the Con's comes as no surprise

Ignatieff is right (morally that is),

Harper must release the final report especially if he is saying it is substantially different from the earlier version which was leaked.

It is simply just not acceptable and would amount to yet another contempt by Harper and the Con's upon the voters of Canada

Although it may be that the Auditor general must present it to Parliament.

I would be very surprised if the Prime Minister especially in such an important and significant juncture in Canadian democracy were barred from releasing it.

At most, it may be out of respect for the office - but then since when did Harper show any respect for any Parliamentary Office when he wanted to do something. But even if it is against some rule I thought Harper made the rules, if and when he wants too.

But that is crux the whole point

It is not very likely that Harper would want the final report release during the election. The same as he did not want to release actual spending for his criminal and military policies before the election or what cuts he intends in order to get that $11b.

And for obvious reasons, if all Canadians really knew what Harper and the Con's were really about, his chances of re-election would pretty much be nil.

excerpt: comments Lloyd MacILquham cicblog