21 April, 2011

- NDP Surge In Quebec? - Ask The Campaign Teams There

Submitted: 6:48am, PDT, 21 Apr.'11 CBC

Bloc changes tactics to deal with NDP surge, CBC News Posted: Apr 21, 2011, 21 Apr.'11 CBC

The Crop poll Showing an NDP Surge in Quebec is obviously unreliable.

However, the campaign teams for the Province and the various riding in Quebec would have to observe such a serge, if it is indeed real. And perhaps that explains why Layton is not getting carried away - which would be a mistake with possible disastrous results anyway, he is keeping on track which is what he should be doing.

On the other hand, this kind of thing can be a self-fulfilling prophecy - people think that the NDP are surging and jump on the band-wagon. You can't buy better PR that that, and it's not even an attack ad.

The issue is if there is a NDP surge are they simply taking votes away from the Liberal and Bloc or are they threatening to reduce the number of seats for the Harper and the Con's.

Obviously if they are causing a more serious splits in the opposition parties votes such a surge could actually work in Harper's favour and give him and the Con's more seats or even a majority.

excerpt: comments Lloyd MacILquham cicblog