29 April, 2011

- Harper's Con Of Convenience

Submitted: 6:58am, PDT, 29 Apr.'11 The Toronto Star
Exclusive: Majority out of reach, Tories say, Robert Benzie, Toronto Star, 29 Apr.'11

Harper also Explained That The Decisions Are Not all Snake Oil

The Big Question Is Just How Much Of Harper Is Snake Oil

I'd Say Pretty Much 100%

One of the biggest "snake oil" pitches of Harper is that if he gets a minority of seats but more than the other parties, and even if he only gets approx 1/3 of the vote, he has the right to run this great nation of ours.

That may be 'Right' in a right-wing extremist sort of way and a 'con' of convenience for Harper.

But it is not right constitutionally, morally or according to the will of the Canadian people.

The election is to vote for representatives to Parliament, they're referred to as "MP's".

In the election there are 308 winners in a first past the post system.

However, the Prime Minister and the party, or parties, that end up governing are then elected by these our representatives and hold power as long as they enjoy the Confidence these representatives.

We are accountable to our children and our children's children

who would very well regret that we were ever given a turn at the helm because we allowed Harper power.

How about spending $30 billions, and counting, on 65 F-35 strike force super-jets - which are designed specifically and really may only be used to anywhere near their capacity in a full pitched war.

How about the 10's billions in implementing Harper's criminal legislation which has no foundation in rationality but only in right-wing ideology, designed to fear monger votes.

Then we have the Healthcare negotiations in '14
- how many generations will it take to undo the damage Harper would do to the Canadian way of life and our social fabric if Harper is allowed to privatize, sorry I meant, renegotiate Healthcare in '14.

If Harper gets a majority - God save Canada

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html