08 April, 2011

- All the Vectors Point To Harper eliminating the Health Care and/or, Equalization and/or Social Transfers in 2014, or seriously gut them

Submitted: 10:10 PDT, 8 Apr.'11 CBC
She said / he said: Health-care costs and party positioning, Tasha Kheiriddin and Scott Reid on the campaign's sleeper issue, By Tasha Kheiriddin and Scott Reid, Apr 7, 2011 1:29 PM ET

2:30 PM on April 8, 2011
Harper leaves himself room to rein in health transfers
STEVEN CHASE, Globe and Mail, Apr. 07, 2011

Harper's budget doesn't refer to maintaining the payments to the Provinces for Health Care past the expiry of current agreement

However, Harper in his magisterial magnanimity apparently won't cut the 6% now. Considering this is part of the agreement with the Provinces and so legally he can't . . . sorry I'm dealing with the guy who makes the laws

When it comes to Health care

Harper simply states in the budget that Health Care transfers after 2013 - 2014 are subject to change

So, what 'change' could we expect from Harper if he became Prime Minister again, inquiring Canadians ask

A review of the report of the Parliamentary Budget Officer in 3 Nov.'10 shows that continuing with the Harper and Con economic policies and spending, there is very little chance the budget will be balance by '14-'15, for one reason the 6% transfer for health care being unsustainable under Harper's economic policies

Today Harper stated: 8 Apr.'11
"we will eliminate the deficit in 2014 a full year ahead of schedule"

and will do this by cutting $11 billion from spending.

If there is so much 'fat' that can be trimmed,

This is $11 billion from the Harper government spending!

Why has Harper allowed so much excess spending anyway - he keeps saying he is fiscally sound, but now he is admitting to $11 billion a year excess and using it to try and get our votes - that's not right (morally)

How much more Harper 'fat' is there to trim

Also, $11 billion and he won't be specific - surprise, surprise

If each of the above facts were 'vectors' they all point to:

Harper eliminating the Health Care and/or, Equalization and/or Social Transfers in 2014, or seriously gut them.

That is the only way Harper economics can work

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html