26 April, 2011

- But, Harper is 'reformed' - wait, Harper always was Reform'd

Submitted: 7:52am, PDT, 26 Apr.'11 CBC

The Harper quotes dossier: a sample
April 25, 2011

You might ask yourself why this book is coming to light now.

Obviously there is someone, or persons, that have played a very significant role in the rise of Harper and Con's that are very concerned that Canadian know just exactly how Harper in his heart of hearts feels before they give him a majority.

We're not talking in the 60's, 70's or 80's

We're talking current, right up till Harper gained power - what would Freud say about such repressed emotions.

-From the June 26, 2003 update, page 5 - on health:
"The federal government doesn't run the health-care system, it didn't create it and it's not going to fix it." April 12, 2001

You've got the 'Right' - in a right-wing, extremist ideological, 'Harper-Right' sort of way, that is.

Anyone who thinks that Harper would have Canadians' best interests at heart in negotiating the Health Care with the Provinces in '14 will be sorrily (literally, as well as figuratively) mistaken and should keep this in mind.

Harper quotes about Alberta, the West and his accusations against the rest of Canada, Ontario and Quebec, in particular, demonstrates the very divisive, fear mongering brand of politics Harper plays.

- on the Canadian Alliance: "This political party stands for values that are eternal ... this country will either adopt our values or it will fail." Dec. 20, 2001

Now, there's a self-fulfilling prophesy - if we give Harper enough time in power, or a majority

- on the Liberal Party:
"The fundamental strategy of the Liberal party for the last 30 years remains screw the West, get the rest." - 06/2003 (date partially cut off)

- on Alberta:
"We [Alberta] are the only province in Canada keeping pace with the top tier countries in the world. Now we must show that we will not stand for a second-tier country run by a third-world leader with fourth-class values." 02/2001

-From April 11, 2003 Harper Quotations, p. 11 - on western alienation:
"I too am one of these angry westerners. The Liberals demonized the West and Alberta in particular ... we may love Canada, but Canada does not love us ... let's make the province strong enough that the rest of the country is afraid to threaten us." Dec. 18, 2000

[ there is also:
Stephen Harper's speech to the Council for National Policy, June 1997:
"First, facts about Canada. Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term . . ."

Apparently, when confronted with what he say a while ago he quipped that he was just joking - some joke. When you read the speech it doesn't sound like he's joking.

Anyone that thinks Harper has Canadians best interest, other than the West that is, at heart should keep these quotes, and there are others, in mind. This applies especially to people in Ontario and Quebec

Oh, sorry, Harper is 'reformed' - wait, Harper always was Reform'd and still is at heart a right-wing extremist ideologue, bent on the West, to the exclusion of the rest of Canada and with no hesitation to use division and fear mongering to mobilize his core.

It also illustrates the importance, significance and reality of the following observation.

Harper and the Con's have a core of 33% die-hard supporters. People who are at the extreme right of Canadian social, economic and political values. They have and will support Harper pretty much no matter what, provided he does not abandon his right-wing extremist views and intentions.

They have been very patient in the last 5 years while Harper has had a minority government and even 'understanding' that Harper could not simply come out and in the first 100 days, radically change the social landscape of Canada to the extreme right of the spectrum of Canadian values.

After all it's better to in power than out.

However, with a majority Harper will have the absolute and unstoppable power and will have to Pay the Piper.

These right-wing extremists will demand their social agenda be implemented and Harper 'can not and will not' refuse.

It's just that simple.

The above reflects what really lurks in the hearts of Harper and his Con's, the fundamental belief that lies at the heart of Harper and his supporters.

This may have been covered up in some kind of cosmetic way, while Harper has a minority in order for his to maintain power.

But, you can betcha, it will be uncovered, and pronto, if Harper were to get a majority.

excerpt: comments Lloyd MacILquham cicblog