21 April, 2011

- Harper Approach - You Want Funding - Support His Right Wing Extremist Agenda

Posted: 10:59 AM on April 21, 2011

Ottawa cutting funds to Planned Parenthood, Tory MP says, ADRIAN MORROW, Globe and Mail, Apr. 21, 2011

As long as Harper and the Con's are in power they don't need to bring in legislation against abortion.

Harper and the Con's merely have to cut funding to reputable organizations that include abortion, and that is what they have been doing.

Soudas on the 'Muskoka Initiative' on child and maternal health.

'we have clearly laid out what our G8 initiative will focus on. Organizations like International Planned Parenthood or others that are willing to work with our government, we look forward to working with them as well on this important initiative,'"

The code words here are "willing to work with our government"

What exactly is Harper's approach to abortion as part of Muskoka Initiative - seems to me that it has been very emphatically excluded by Harper.

The Harper message is - if you include abortion you will not be supported by a Harper government.

Isn't that what was at the heart of the Oda 'not' contempt of Parliament scandal was all about - refusing finding to Kairos on ideological bases

"The organization [Kairos] promotes major actions to combat climate change . . .
Leading KAIROS member Churches, the United Church of Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada, have a history of strong support for abortion access and for homosexual "marriage" and the acceptance of homosexual behaviour."
(Lifesitenews 22 Dec.'09)

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html