14 April, 2011

- Stevie, you got some 'splainin' to do

Submitted: 10:25am,PDT, 14 Apr.'11, CBC News
Fact-checking the leaders' debate, By Reality Check Team on April 12, 2011 5:59 PM , CBC

Let me know if I'm not 'right' (morally that is, as opposed to in a right-wing extremist sort of way)

But if I recall Harper in the debate stated categorically that Immigration intake rates have risen in all categories.

However, the Immigration intake rates this year have been, apparently, cut 5%, with sponsorships of parents cut by 31%

As stated in the CBC article of 14 Feb.'11: "Immigrant visas to drop 5%: records
Cuts would most affect overseas parents, grandparents"

"Figures from Citizenship and Immigration Canada show the government will issue about 11,000 visas
this year to parents and grandparents of Canadian residents, down from more than 16,000 last year.
(Tom Hanson/Canadian Press) Among the hardest hit by the lower immigration targets will be parents
and grandparents seeking to join their children in Canada, according to numbers obtained from the
Citizenship and Immigration Department through the Access to Information Act.

The figures indicate the government will issue about 11,000 family reunification visas for parents
and grandparents overseas, down from more than 16,000 last year."

This was revealed through one of those accursed Access To Information requests that Harper seems to have such an aversion - go figure, the information obtaioned is actually quite interesting and important to understanding just exactly what Harper and his Con's are up to - since they simply won't give us the straight truth directly.

It may be in some kind of sharp dealings sort of way Harper was not technically lying. However, at the very least it seems it was deceitful since, if I recall, the context was in a discuss regarding these very cuts to sponsorship of parents.

I find that a lot of what Harper says has no basis in truth or is designed to deceive if not outright misrepresent.

Harper's version of the 2004 Letter is a prime example of this.

The same goes for his statement that he had given all the information regarding the costs of his criminal legislation and F35 purchase.

Also, Duceppe raised a very good point. Harper seems to be referring to a contract in the purchase of the F35's. But Harper refused to confirm or deny it.

the DND is saying

"Ottawa has committed approximately $9 billion to the acquisition of 65 F-35 aircraft"

Harper is hiding something here and he should have revealed it in the debate.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html