31 March, 2011

- I Guess Voters Know A Con When They See One

Posted: 10:55 AM on March 31, 2011
Fantino’s Liberal rival defects, throws support behind Tories
OTTAWA— Globe and Mail Update
Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:10PM EDT

I guess the good people of Vaughan know a Con when they see one.

The reason the Con's won the by-election in Vaughan last December was that 10,000 Liberal voters did not go out to vote, whereas the Con's got the same as the last general election.

The question that arose, of course, is why the so low a Liberal voter turn out.

In by-elections the candidate is much more front and centre than in a general election, federally.

When the Liberal candidate stated:

“After running up a record deficit – including a billion dollars wasted on the G8 and G20 – Stephen Harper has chosen tax breaks for large corporations, untendered stealth fighter jets, and new super-prisons. Those don’t sound like Vaughan’s priorities, The choice for Vaughan is clear. Let’s send Stephen Harper a message he can’t ignore: the people of Vaughan do not support his government,”

He was right (morally, that is) but perhaps the good people of Vaughan could read:

A sense of insincerity in him,

That he really does not embrace Liberal values,

That he really believes that Harper is 'right' (in a right-wing extremist sort of way)

in recklessly squandering our hard earned tax dollars on:

- $30 billion on the F-35s', thus burdening our children with even more crippling debt for a purpose the military says is "classified",

- $6 billion dollars a year to the wealthiest corporations where a very significant amount of the money flows outside Canada and so is taken out of our economy

- $10's of billions on more prisons.

- $1 billion plus on a G-8/20 meeting that achieved nothing but bring Toronto to its knees for weekend and trash the downtown (good thing Tony Clement had it moved form his riding)

with the vast majority of all the money flowing outside Canada and so

is taken out of our economy, taken out of health care, seniors care, child care, education

That Harper is right (in a right-wing extremist sort of way) in his anti-Democratic ways and his contempt of Parliament for which he and his government was impeached.

For Harper's, in the immortal words of Gilles Duceppe, "[Harper] lied this morning."
said Duceppe, 26 Mar.'11,

If I perceived the Liberal candidate were in reality a Con I would be very tempted to not vote as well.


Isn't he the one who said he was fired from his position as chair of the regional hospital board as political payback after the by-election

'This is a real kick in the teeth,' Tony Genco told the Star of his firing from the volunteer position early Monday. “It’s bizarre to me, but they’ve decided I’ve become a political liability. I feel humiliated.”
(Toronto Star, 15 Dec.'10)

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html