06 March, 2011

- Another "Harper Government" Con

Posted: 11:12 AM on March 6, 2011, 11:18 AM on March 6, 2011 The Globe and Mail
PMO apologizes for booting media before Ignatieff speech, The Canadian Press, Mar. 05, 2011, The Globe and Mail

I have a hard time understanding the media falling for this 'Con',

(I would be surprised if they ever fell for this kind of 'Con' from Harper again, though)

After all, we all know

You simply can't trust SH (Stephen Harper) on anything, even something so petty

Lets cut thru the SH iterations

Lets look at this whole thing rationally,

One thing that doesn't square here about what the Harper gang is saying . . .

What possible business would Harper have, or excuse, for "hustling journalists" out of the room after SH spoke, or at any time.

To me there is only one rational explanation for their actions - to prevent coverage of Ignatieff in the ethnic media, or the general media for that matter.

Ignatieff's team may not have been clear before hand that he would be speaking. There can be little doubt that the Harper gang learned of it at the event. Ignatieff was not simply going to 'gate-crash'. The organizers must have known and for sure an Harper assistant would have learned this at the event.

So, using the fact that Ignatieff had not said he would be speaking in advance as an excuse, perhaps they decided to stick it to him.

- I know, I know "the Devil you say", and you'd be 'Right'.

Also, I don't buy this thing about "As for the podium, it belongs to the PMO".

What exactly do they mean by that.

It is Con Party property.

Or, is it tax payer property provided to the Prime Minister to assit in carrying out government functions.

Was Harper there campaigning as head Con, in which case he ought not to be using government issue podiums - as Kenny so recently has been made aware, or carrying out a Prime Ministerial function congratulating members of the Indian community on the start of “The Year of India in Canada.”.

Ignatieff is the leader of the Official Opposition and has just as much right to be there as a representative of the Canadian people as Harper and given Harper's minority, perhaps more.

This is just one more example of "Harper Government" as opposed to "Canadian Government".

If anything Harper ought to have gone out of his way to ensure Ignatieff speak and offer the use of the podium.

But then, that is the type of guy Harper is and it's an embarrassment that the Prime Minister of this great country of ours would act in such a petty partizan fashion.

The real problem is Harper can do just about anything he wants.

Harper has 33% core of die-hard Con supporters, epi-centred in Alberta, that would support him just about no matter what.

As long as the 66% Moderate Majority don't consolidate then Harper can continue like he owns it, like it is "Harper's Government"

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html