15 March, 2011

- "Having an informed dispassionate debate" - MacKay, Isn't That What Parliament Is For - So, Why All The Contempt

Submitted: 8:53, PDT, 15 Mar.'11 CBC News
F-35 price not firm, Hawn admits, However, Conservative MP says it won't change, Laura Payton, CBC News, 14 Mar.'11

. . . continued

I don't think anyone, who gives it any real thought, believes Peter MacKay or what he has to say when he kept insisting that Canada would get the 65 F-35's for the budgeted $9 billion

So, where does that leave the MacKay statements that Canada "needs" the F-35's

What do you think, no more than mere 'SH iterations'

What does the DND have to say on their Website:

"Ottawa has committed approximately $9 billion to the acquisition of 65 F-35 aircraft
– effectively the minimum necessary to retain a critical mass of Canadian fighter capability – “…and associated weapons, infrastructure, initial spares, training simulators, contingency funds and project operating costs.”


Wait as second:

"Ottawa has committed approximately $9 billion to the acquisition of 65 F-35 aircraft" - Excuse Me
Am I Reading this Right

Since when have we 'committed' $9 billion to the F-35's

This is outrageous.

What else has Harper, MacKay, Hawn and the other Con's been hiding

Also, if the costs are going to be significantly more than $9billion and Ottawa has committed only $9billion, then what. 'Ottawa' decides its just too gosh darn expensive and cancels the whole deal.

Now that would be rational, logical

"Having an informed dispassionate debate is what I think Canadians need, not some of the rhetorical flourish and wild accusations and some of the distorted facts about the aircraft from some" Peter Mackay

But how can we with Harper concealing the information needed to so conduct such debate.


Isn't that what Parliaments for, and could still be, if Harper and his Con's didn't show such contempt for this most fundamental of Canadian democratic institutions, MacKay being one of the worst offenders

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html