16 March, 2011

- The Harper Tsunami of Tax Dollars rushing out of Canada's coffers and out of Canada

Posted: 11:20 AM on March 16, 2011 Globe and Mail
Harper links Japanese quake, opposition threat of snap election, Ian Bailey, Globe and Mail, 15 Mar.'11

The recovery in Canada is directly tied to the world recovery and it is the world economy that will determine what happens in Canada (hence the only logical basis for the Harper approach of doing nothing).

The concept that an election in Canada may have a negative impact on the world economy is, of course, ludicrous.

It is along the same lines as Canada must purchase the 65 F-35's to prevent Russian prop planes from coming within 100 miles of our territory.

One thing that would happen for sure if Harper were given the boot is

the Tsunami of Tax Dollars rushing out of Canada's coffers and out of Canada through the $6 billion a years tax reduction to the big, International companies, with ownership outside Canada, especially the Alberta oil sector; $30 billion, and still counting, to the US for the F-35's - that's right the money actually goes to the US, as well as the 10's of billions on getting Tough on Crime

Each dollar that flows out of Canada is a dollar lost to our economy. There may be some back-wash but then we're only getting 10 cents on the dollar.

Each dollar spend on the Harper Crime agenda is a dollar lost to right-wing extremist ideology that could actually help those in Canada that need help.

Boy for a trained economist Harper sure does understand - perhaps his right-wing extremist ideology is blinding him to the practicalities. But then, why should all Canadians suffer for Harper's unreasonings.

Spending the money inside Canada on things that can really do some good, like health care, child care, retirement security, post secondary education

not only makes our nation stronger but gives us 100 cents on the dollar.

Oh, and by the way, did I mention:

Why is it the DND is saying ""Ottawa has committed approximately $9 billion to the acquisition of 65 F-35 aircraft" anyway, It's not a done deal, is it.

what else is Harper hiding from us.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html