16 March, 2011

- There's something just not adding up right with Harper (morally as opposed to in a right-wing extremist sort of way)

Posted: 10:59 AM on March 16, 2011 Globe and Mail
Harper links Japanese quake, opposition threat of snap election, Ian Bailey, Globe and Mail, 15 Mar.'11

Harper's approach to the Canadian economy has always been:

let Harper stay at the helm until 2016, he will eliminate the deficit by doing nothing.

It has recently come into the open that

the Harper's strategy is to trash Democracy it only gets in the way of his plans

(Of course, Harper doesn't explain why we can't have someone else at the helm doing nothing and who is a supporter of Canadian Democracy - now that's not being very logical, Stevo).

Now the Harper is saying

we shouldn't have any election, it would be too disruptive (in reality the only thing it would be too disruptive of is Harper plans for Harper ^not Canada - for which we can all hope)

hmmmm, there seems to be an emerging pattern here.

Also, Harper himself brought in the 4 year election laws. Although we have seen he has very little respect for it.

Still there will have to be an election in '12, won't there, am I not reading it right (grammatically as opposed to in a right-wing extremist sort of way).

And, in '12 Canada's economy, according to Harper, will still be very fragile.

So, why wouldn't it be just as disruptive next year for an election

There's something just not adding up right with Harper (morally as opposed to in a right-wing extremist sort of way)

If Canada were hit with a disaster like the earthquake in Japan it may have an impact on the world economy. It would certainly have one on Canada's economy

But then that is always a risk not matter when an election is held and no reason to keep the likes of Harper and his Con government in power

Unless, of course, Harper's real concern is the Con party be hit with a political tsunami like the Mulroney government was hit in '93. Then I can see him not wanting an election.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html