27 March, 2011

- SH-iteration on coalition spewing from the mouth of SH - The real Harper Message "Only the Con's can rule the Country"

Posted: 12:06 PM on March 27, 2011 The Globe and Mail
Duceppe accuses Harper of lying, Les Perreaux, Globe and Mail Update, Mar. 27, 2011

"[Harper] lied this morning."
Duceppe, 26 Mar.'11

Harper is also being very two-faced on the coalition issue.

Harper is relying on the Canadian Democratic Principles to say he has the right to rule, even if he only gets the support of 1/3 the people, as long as he has more seats than other parties

But, at the same time and in the same breath, he is rejecting the same Canadian Principles to disenfranchise the 2/3rds of Canadians and say they can not get together to rule the country, even though they are the vast majority.

Either we have a Parliamentary system or we don't

If so, the the Party with the confidence of the Parliament forms the government

If not, then let Harper rule if he and the Con's gets 50% of the vote


let Canada have a Democracy and let the majority of Canadians get together, in some form or another, and run the Country for which they are the majority.

The solution is that the Moderate Majority consolidate and send Harper back from whence he came, under whatever system of determining a government.

The basic issue is:

Harper will say anything to obtain and maintain power.

It's just that simple.

this explains this endless SH-iteration on coalition spewing from the mouth of Stephen Harper

Harper simply doesn't care that in '04 he was saying the exact opposite to what he is saying now about "losers forming the government"

It has nothing to do with how comfortable Canadians feel about a coalition

Harper is supported by 33% die-hard, right-wing extremists, epi-centred in Alberta, that support him pretty much no matter what

The Con die-hard supporters simply don't care

The only thing that matters is power

What Harper's real message is

"only the Con's can form the government"

The strategy is, of course, that this 33% will pretty much ensure Harper gets more seats that the other parties

hey, if some of this SH-iteration sticks they may Con enough of the other voters to get a majority - God save Canada

Canadian democracy means nothing to Harper, except a bit of an annoyance.

Harper is also playing on Canadians identifying themselves with the US system of direct presidential elections.

A Canadian election is not an US presidential election. But, as with so much else, in Canada we are inundated with US culture and politics that we perceive our system as the same.

It is not and does not have the checks and balances that the US system has built in - including separate, independent elections for Congress and House of Representatives.

In the US there are two parties and so no chance of a "minority" government.

Also, the elected representatives belong to the Party but are very much independent and look towards benefiting their constituents. How many times has the President had to count the number of Congressmen that support what he wants, even if his Party has a majority.

These checks and balance for one thing are directly aimed at addressing and keeping under control the power of the president so that he/she does not become an autocrat.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

see also:
Posted: 12:31 PM on March 27, 2011 Globe and Mail
Analysis, Why Michael Ignatieff had to rule out a coalition
John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail Update, Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2011 8:02AM EDT


Posted: 1:12 PM on March 27, 2011
Conservative Campaign
Coalition would sow instability, Harper warns new Canadians
BRAMPTON, ONT.— Globe and Mail Update
Mar. 27, 2011 11:52AM EDT

Submitted: 10:23am (PDT) 27 Mar.'11 CBC News
Harper takes majority pitch to GTA
Harper pressed on coalition position
CBC News Posted: Mar 27, 2011 1:38 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 27, 2011 11:57 AM ET