09 March, 2011

- Frances Russell, when you're right, you're right (morally that is)

Submitted: 6:54 am, PST, 9 Mar.'11 Winnipeg Free Press
The 'state' of Harper affairs, Frances Russell, Winnipeg Free Press, 03/9/2011

Harper is not only dismantling, layer by layer, nearly 150 years of Canadian parliamentary democracy, he is dismantling the very social fabric that our foreparents built up through generation of blood, sweat and tears.

Our foreparents were the ones that brought in such programs as Health care, Employment Insurance, Pensions, an educational system that has been the envy of the world, an outstanding International reputation as moderate, peace-keepers, and, not the least of which the Charter, that single instrument so important to protecting our civil rights, a strong, proud and free national Canada et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Harper's game plan is to drag Canada and Canadian values to the extreme right, where people like GW Bush, Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing US extremists reside, dismantling Canada and abdicating to the provinces

Harper is taking Canada away from a tolerant, compassionate society, where all Canadians join together to help those that need help and bring us one step closer to an America style, everyone for themselves, where the distinction between the well off and those than need help consolidates and engrosses.

We must consider the impact of all the Harper Policies on our Nation and the Legacy we leave to our children and our children's children to prevent Harper from tearing asunder what has been built thru the blood sweat and tears of our foreparents, maintain what we have achieved in the past, and perhaps improve on it, if possible.

We must leave our children with the appreciation of us having lived here and not a bitter resentment that we ever gave Harper a turn at the helm.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html