11 March, 2011

-If Harper "wins", who is it that 'loses' - Canada and all Canadians

Posted: 12:12 PM on March 11, 2011 The Globe and Mail
You win some, you lose some,’ PM says of Speaker's double-blow to Tories, James Bradshaw and John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail Update, March 10, 2011

The 'win-lose' game Harper is referring to is 'Autocracy v. Democracy'.

So, if Harper "wins", who is it that 'loses' - Canada and all Canadians.

For the Harper Minister to say that these very serious contempt charges are nothing but a distraction, is beyond believe.

Shakespeare couldn't have written a better play, albeit tragedy -e.g. "Harper, Prince of Darkness"

But it is very revealing of the Harper's attitude. He just doesn't care about Democracy, Canada as a nation, or Canadian Democratic traditions.

The balance of power in Canadian Democracy is based on the assumption that the person leading, the PM, has the best interest of the country at heart. They simply did not abuse power since that would damage Canadian democracy.

This has been the case up until Harper took over.

You may have disagreed with Brian Mulroney and his policies but even with him, you can't accuse him of abusing his power not having the best interests of all Canadians at heart, albeit a bit distorted.

Mulroney may have looked at governing like a game as well and "rolled the dice" but he didn't refer to Democracy as "you win some and you lose some"

Harper, in fact, and a brief delving into his background is sufficient to expose this, is set on the dismantling of Canada as a nation, tearing Canada asunder, abdicating power to the Provinces.

Harper is a right-wing extremist, in fact the leader. He is supported by 33% die-hard, right-wing extremists, epi-centred in Alberta, that support him pretty much no matter what.

Harper's loyalty is to them, not to Canadians and a whole, to Canada as a nation and not to Canadian Democracy.

But as long as the Moderate Majority do not consolidate against this Harper can do anything he wants

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html