30 March, 2011

- What else is Harper Hiding

9:55 am, 30 Mar.'11 - I tried posting this to the NP but,since the start of the election I haven't been able to log on - go figure
I was finally able to post it: 3:09 PM on March 30, 2011
Ignatieff vows to re-examine fighter plane deal, Matthew Sherwood for National Post, Mar 29, 2011

Submitted: 10:21am, PDT, 30 Mar.'11
F-35s cost more than $100M each: U.S. official
By Laura Payton, CBC News Posted: Mar 29, 2011 6:13 PM ET Last Updated: Mar 29, 2011 9:34 PM

Harper: The 65 F-35's are the 'Right' plane at the 'best' price

So, then what are Canada's military's statement of operations requirements?


"The Department of National Defence says it is hiding a key F-35 document from the public because
that type of document is classified
. . .
Statement of Operational Requirements,. " (embassy mag, 02-23-2011)

I see,

Canadians are not allowed to know what the military's intentions are that they would require the best plane available, with the "eye-watering technology".

But, isn't the whole purposes of the military to serve the people of Canada. And their agenda that which the Canadian people determine is best for us.

The Canadian military serves Canadians, not Canadians serve the military.

If the military set their own agenda, doesn't that make use a military dictatorship and not a Democracy

Wait, Stephen Harper today explained why we need to spend the 30 billion on these 65 F-35's - to protect Canadian sovereignty.

So, we're back to the inane claim that we them to chase propeller drive Russian planes from flying in International airspace.

Harper also stated today that the costs of the F-35's are well within Harper's estimates.

"buying our planes at the bottom of that [cost] curve," (through Laurie Hawn, who was parliamentary secretary to Defence Minister Peter MacKay before the election was called)

But, the estimates are coming out to be $110 - $150 million each and counting.

Not only this but Harper plans to purchase them at the beginning of the production - at the height of the costs. (cbc 29 Mar.'11)

Harper says it is between $70 - $75 million

Harper is lying when he says these things (and other areas as well, according to Duceppe) unless he is simply not telling the good people of Canada what he knows to be the true costs of the F-35's.

Which, according to the Contempt ruling of the house is true enough.

Oh, and by the way, did I mention:

Why is it the DND is saying

"Ottawa has committed approximately $9 billion to the acquisition of 65 F-35 aircraft"

So, Harper is hiding what he knows to be the true cost of the F-35's and hiding that he has committed Canada to $9 billion to the DND

What else is Harper hiding and/or lying about.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html