11 March, 2011

- Democracy and an Economy are not mutually exclusive as concepts, except to the likes of Harper.

Posted: 12:12 PM on March 11, 2011 The Globe and Mail
You win some, you lose some,’ PM says of Speaker's double-blow to Tories, James Bradshaw and John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail Update, March 10, 2011

Why can't we have both Democracy and an economy.

In fact, Democracy not only aids the economy since it looks towards all in the country to assist according to their talents, but it is for the benefit of all in the country and not a small group.

An economy in a Democracy is so much more, how shall I say . . . Democratic

Harper government is the law of the jungle where only the strong survive. It is not to help those that need help.

"you win some, you lose some" is simply a manifestation of this ideology, not surprising coming from Harper

Also, if you take the time to cut thru the SH iterations you realize that the Harper approach to the economy is, in actuality, "do nothing", in 5 - 6 years it will sort itself out (the corollary is, of course, with Harper at the helm)

Well why can't we have someone in power that is for Canada as a whole, believes in his/her heart of hearts in democracy and let them "do nothing".

Wouldn't we all be better off.

Of course, the irony of it all is, "do nothing" implies leaving it the way they found it. In other words don't interfere with what the past Liberal government did to establish and maintain a strong economy, a major part banking of course.

Also, Harper and the Con's are, in reality, not doing nothing, they just don't want us to focus on how they are spending our tax dollars - 10's of billions on unneeded prisons, unneeded 5th generation strike force jets with "eye-watering technology, reducing taxes for the already most profitable corporations. They are so concerned about us learning the truth that Harper and the Con's put themselves in contempt of Parliament for hiding the real numbers.

Not only is withholding information from Parliament an assault on Democracy.

But, and this is the real reason behind the Harper contempt:

Harper and the Con's simply do not want Canadians to know just how many $10's of billions the implementation of their right-wing extremist policies will cost Canadians before the next election.

The reason, apparent:

"How can you cast your vote intelligently if you don't know what's going on?"
(Robert Marleau, previous information commissioner).

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html