13 March, 2011

- A True Harper Con? - Then Try This On For Size

Posted: 12:52 PM on March 13, 2011 The Globe and Mail
The Tell, Chris Alexander’s new battlefield, Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail, Mar. 13, 2011

Mr. Alexander will have to wear the UN's rejection of Harper by not voting Canada on the Security counsel

He will also have to wear all the other Harper right-wing extremist, my-way-or-the-highway, if they don't like you throw a billion dollar party for them (at our expense) approach to diplomacy and International affairs

And, the $30 billion (and still counting) on purchasing 65 F35's for only God, and Harper, knows why Canada 'needs' them.

Then there's the $10's of billions (oh, I forgot we can't say $10's of billions since we haven't been given the information)

Oh, I almost forgot, what about the Afghan Detainee Transfer Scandal, that's coming again some time, isn't it

Alexander will certainly have to wear that

hummm, now that is interesting,

I wonder if this is just one of those simple ironies of life or there is some greater, yet to be revealed, significance

Given the Harper contempt of Canadian Democracy in withholding the documents, and given his own close connection to Afghanistan and its struggles, and his sympathies towards them, one can only wonder how Alexander can choose to run Con

These all appear to be diametrically opposed to Alexander's political, ideological and moral compass, which seems more aligned with Lester Pearson and Michael Ignatieff

On the other hand,

Perhaps Alexander has chosen to be a Con because he thinks they will win the next election and it will hurtle him into a Ministerial position

Thus, throwing principle and the good of Canada, as a nation, and all Canadians, aside for the sole purpose of attaining power, Canadians be dam[redacted]ed

Perhaps Alexander really is a bird-of-a-feather with Harper and the Con's

then all the above scandals will look good on him

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html