10 March, 2011

- Perhaps we should be calling it an Impeachment so Harper will understand what is going on here.


Speaker’s contempt rulings add ammunition to election-minded opposition
OTTAWA— From Thursday's Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Mar. 09, 2011 10:30PM ESTLast updated Thursday, Mar. 10, 2011 8:25AM

Let me know if I'm not 'Right' on this

But isn't the Speaker's Ruling the same as an Impeachment in the US.

“There is no doubt” that the government had failed to comply with a parliamentary committee’s demand for costs related to the Conservatives’ crime bills, Mr. Milliken concluded. “This is a serious matter that goes to the heart of the House’s undoubted role in holding the government to account.”

There has been "no doubt" that Harper and the Con's have been in contempt of Parliament from the first time they got up in the House in '06, evading real answers to the questions and their duties as representatives of the Canadian people, and made fierce and outrageous personal attacks on MP's doing their jobs asking question about Afghanistan.

The fundamental problem is that Harper simple just doesn't care. He's got the power and is using it whether legitimately or not. If you don't like it too bad for you.

And Harper and the Con's can take this position for a number of reasons:

- Harper is kept in power by a core (33% , the Silent Minority) of like minded people that provide the funds and blindly support him - as long as he 'delivers the goods' - much to the detriment of Canada and all Canadians as a whole.

- Harper and the Con's know this and take the approach that they can do pretty much what they want as long as they don't precipitate a consolidation of the Moderate Majority (66% Canadians that do not buy into the political extremism of Harper and his Con's) that don't want him or subscribe to what he stands for.

- Harper and the Con's have seemingly unlimited resources of funds, much of it Canadian taxpayers money the purpose of which is to benefit all Canadians and not get Harper re-elected, to wage a media campaigns the likes and degradations of which have never before been seen in Canadian politics.

- this also allows Harper and the Con's can wage any number of election campaigns withing any time period and so simply say "if you don't like it, lets have an election".

- Harper and the Con's have built the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western Democracies in recent history and we are seeing signs of it and will see more, much much more.

Because of the 33% die-hard, right-wing extremists will not only support Harper in any election campaign they will go out and vote,

With a divided opposition, who don't support and don't go out and vote (look at the Vaughan by-election, the Con's got the same number of votes as last time, the Liberals 10,000 less), Harper is pretty much guaranteed to get more seats than any other Party.

This of course is the reason behind the very contemptuous, and simply wrong and dishonest, statement that the Opposition Parties do not have the right to form a government.

Don't hold your breath for the Harper appointed Governor General to go against Harper on this or Harper proroguing parliament before Parliament can find them in contempt - now there's a thought.

The only solution is for the Moderate Majority to consolidate and give Harper the boot.

(This is one area where Canadian politics is different from US politics and is Harper's weakness, in the US the split is approx 50-50, Right Wing and Moderates, here it is 1/3 - 2/3 so there's hope. On the other hand, in the US the Moderates participate)

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html