07 June, 2010

- Where Have All the Whistle-Blowers Gone . . .

Posted: 9:41pm PDT, 7 Jun.'10 CBC News

PMO scripted Afghan mission message: records, June 7, 2010, The Canadian Press http://www.cbc.ca/politics/story/2010/06/07/cp-bottled-messages-pmo-afghanistan.html

This is, of course, outrageous.

How can we trust anything that comes out the Public Service under the Harper Regime that tends to support the government's actions and polices while Stephen Harper and the Con's are in control.

If ever there were a time for whistle blowers to come forward it is now, before confidence in the Executive Branch of government, and thus Civil Service generally, is totally undermined, by Harper and his Con's. Wait didn't Harper campaign on protecting whistle-blowers . . . no I must be dreaming.

So, then what's the problem then.

The key to all this is:

". . . said a senior government official who worked in the PCO but asked not to be named because of fears of career reprisals."

This is just one element of the greatest propaganda machines Western Democracies have seen in recent history.

And it illustrates the purpose of Harper's obscuration, obstruction and obfuscation of the truth. You can't control the message and "message event proposals" lose their impact if people know the truth.

Another area that might be useful to look into are the economic numbers that seem to suggest that Harper's policies are working. It used to be that "numbers don't lie" but now it looks very much like "don't believe everything you read" and "with statistics and control of the information you can 'prove' anything".

But, Canadians have no one to blame but ourselves, we put Harper in power and we let him stay in power.

Lloyd MacILquham