21 June, 2010

- All Canadians Must Stand Up and Defend Our Democracy From Harper and His Con's

Posted: 6/21/2010 10:55:29 AM The Globe and Mail
Harper’s message control is unprecedented, critics say
Tab 84

Stephen Harper and the Con's have built the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in recent history.

This is just one aspect of it.

It is insidious, undermines democracy and, again as with many other highly partizan activities by Harper, we the tax payers are paying for it. Cute, real cute.

However, we Canadians have no one to blame but ourselves. We are the ones that keep Harper in office.

Harper and his Con's are importing the Republican style of politics (and if the truth be known, they most likely are giving direct input, as opposed to people like Tom Flanagan who has actually made Alberta, his home). Americans counter-balance this by their fiercely defence of democracy and stand up and make sure they are counted. If Canadians are not prepared to stand up and protect our democracy we will have to accept Harper's form of tyrannical rule.

This article represents one of those occasions where the media is shining a light on a dark, very dark, corner of the Harper regime.

It is not much of a surprise to suggest that we ought not to trust a word coming from the mouth of Harper or any of the Con's.

However, this article suggest that we may not be able to rely on anything that comes from anyone in the Bureaucracy, civil service or any organization in Canada that relies on funding from the Federal Government.

This is outrageous and very important.

For example, all those 'numbers' released by Stats Canada, to what extent are they "morph'd" by the Con's (we know that the 'numbers' that come out of the Finance Department must be taken with a grain of salt as parliamentary budget officer Kevin Page has demonstrated so often). Given that they seem to indicate that Harper and the Con's are doing a good job, when viewed in the context of this article and the extreme extent that Harper goes to control and pervert the message, I think it would be wise to question them.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html