14 June, 2010

- We're being Con'd, yet again, by Harper.

Submitted: 7:55am, PDT, 14 Jun.'10 CBC News
Afghan records talks go down to wire
Last Updated: Monday, June 14, 2010, CBC News

This is clearly a delaying tactic by Stephen Harper to get to the Summer recess. Unless, of course, these 'negotiations' continue into the Summer, but then once the referee goes home, then what.

When Parliament resumes, the Afghan Detainee transfer issue and ensuing scandal will just be a fond memory and we're likely into an election.

If Harper gets a majority you can bet Canada's bottom dollar (and with Harper's insane spending, you can bet your bottom dollar it will be Canada's bottom dollar) the "Afghan Detainee transfer issue and ensuing scandal" will disappear, or at the least aspects of it will.

Why not simply defer to House Speaker Peter Milliken now, as to whether Harper and the Con's are in violation of his order and its intent.

Considering the billions it is costing Canadians for the G8-20 and the dubious, if that, benefits that Canadians or Canada as a whole can reasonably expect,

All the Opposition Parties should be delaying the vote on government's main spending estimates anyway. In fact they should be quashing it. We're going to an election soon anyway, you might as well end on a positive note.

Lloyd MacILquham