24 June, 2010

- Harper Information Age

Posted: 6:44pm, 24 Jun.'10 CBCNews

Ottawa aware of foreign influence: sources
Last Updated: Thursday, June 24, 2010 | 6:27 PM ET, CBC News

"The source said Harper has an appetite for intelligence beyond that of his predecessors. Intelligence briefers now routinely provide the prime minister with detailed written reports, in addition to their regular verbal briefings."

I wonder to what extent this carries over to other matter such as reports on real time basis of activities of people like Rahim Jaffer and Helena Guergis. Then there was, Maxime Bernier, the Minister of External Affairs.

As I wrote on cicblog, 26 Apr.'10:

"There is something missing in this puzzle that might be made more palatable if one were to assume that Harper knew something, or things, of a disturbing nature not merely from when thing started to go wrong for Jaffer but before.

When one considers the very tight rein Harper has held, right from the start, on his Caucus and especially his Ministers and the very centralized control (it is typical in the Harperiavellian style of running the Administration and the Con Party to employ the use of 'spies' or 'ears-and-eyes' to keep a watch on what is going on and it would not be surprising if that were also the case, but not matter what people would surely be tripping over each other to inform Harper and get in his good books - that's just how these things work in such context, and Harper's style makes it easy to believe he makes full use of such methods), it hard to imagine that if Geurgis and Jaffer were transgressing that Harper would not learn about it and quickly. This is especially for something like the letter Guergis allegedly sent to the local council. What is the likelihood that this letter didn't get back to the higher echelons of the Con party and thus Harper."

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog