08 June, 2010

- Flaherty, Don't Blame Us for Canada's Financial Well-Being it Was Those Liberals, We Had Nothing To Do With It, We Opposed it All The Way

Posted: 6/8/2010 3:03:21 PM the Globe and Mail
Canada the teacher as U.K. prepares for budget blitzkrieg

Don't tell me, you don't need to spend 2 billion of tax payers' hard earned money to be a "player". That's right, you only need be right (morally right that is).

"While the new British government received advice from Mr. Flaherty, it was Paul Martin, the Liberal government’s finance minister between 1993 and 2002, who is credited with setting the model deficit-elimination effort in the mid-1990s. In an interview Monday, he [Paul Martin] said he is not formally advising governments on how to cut their deficits without triggering social turmoil, but he admitted that he has had “numerous discussions with various European governments, all informally, and I have certainly talked to people in the U.K.” "

Jim Flaherty giving the Chretien-Martin Liberals credit for Canada's economic well being (at least up until the Con's took over) along with touting Canada's strong banking system which is the result to the Cretien-Martin Liberals - my impression of Flaherty has increased and I feel guilty for slamming him so often (well not quite - I'll wait till he crosses the floor).

Interesting that the British apparently make no mention of the Harper-Flaherty two pronged financial policy and plan to eliminate the deficit in Canada:
- allowing the economy to grow out of it, even if it takes 6 years; and,
- stripping Canada of direly needed funds by reducing the GST and slashing of Corporate taxes.

(Just an aside: if I recall in '08 the British announced a reduction in the VAT = GST, but they made it temporary for one year. Harper and the Con's wjehen trying to justify their reduction of the GST pointed out that the British reduced their VAT, but, seemed to have miss that it was temporary - tisk, tisk)

I wonder if it was the Harper-Flaherty economic policies that Flaherty was really trying to push off on the British in Korea on the weekend. If so, the British are having none of it. Perhaps Flaherty is just looking for a new job - o.k. by me.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html