10 June, 2010

- What a Con Harper Weaves

Submitted: 7:14am, PST, 10 Jun.'10 The Toronto Star
Hepburn: Harper’s political demise starts at G20 fiasco, Jun 10 2010, Bob Hepburn, The Toronto Star

When you're right (morally), you're right (morally). Thanks, Bob, Good Article.

And, when you're a right wing, extremist ideologue who does everything for narrow partizan reasons and Canadians be damned, you're a right wing, extremist ideologue who does everything for narrow partizan reasons and Canadians be damned. Thanks, Stepho, thanks, Jimbo, for making us world players (does that mean I will get cheaper overseas hotel rates).

I think it is more a question of Canadians finally turning their attention to the damage Stephen Harper, Jim Flaherty and all the Con's are doing to this great nation of ours and what a Con they have been handing us with their 'Messaging'.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html