02 June, 2010

- Harper's Quebec, 'if you can't beat them, marginalize 'em'

Posted: 9:36 AM, PDT, 2 Jun.'10 National Post [867 char]
NDP coalition talk highlights clash between Ignatieff and Rae, Chris Wattie/Reuters

Yesterday I posted "Amazing, just a little while ago I was explaining to someone that a formal coalition between the Liberals and NDP might get my attention as long as they got rid of Layton first. I wounder how many others feel that way. How many Liberals who have had to fight bitterly with Layton over the last 4 or 5 elections would be willing to support him with any real and meaningful sincerity - ask Scott Reid what he thinks. After his accusation against Martin in '04(?) I pretty much lost all respect for the guy [Layton]."

So, it appears that Liberals might require the NDP to get rid of Layton; and, given Ignatieff's 'paucity-of-popularity', and in a 'tit-for-tat', NDP'ers might require the Liberals get rid of Ignatieff. I full- heartedly support the former but I don't endorse the latter.

Posted: 9:35 AM on June 2, 2010 [720 char]
No matter what Harper and the Con's are going to campaign on the Liberals and NDP forming a co-alition, along with the Block, after the election to dispose the Con's in violation of the will of the people - I know, not much of a prediction. The point is that the Liberals should be up front on their plans, make it part of their platform in order to try to minimize the effects of the mis-information attack ads. Also, Harper's position on the Block supporting the government, despite how hypocritical and how diametrically opposed to his previous 'positions-of-convenience', in effect, dis-enfrancizes almost 1.4 million Canadian voters - if you can't beat them, marginalize 'em.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html