27 June, 2010

- Harper's Ghosts of G8-20's Past, Present & Future

Posted: 6/27/2010 10:49:32 AM The Globe and Mail
Sarkozy says his G8/G20 will cost one-tenth of Canada’s, The Globe and Mail, 26 Jun.'10
Tab 13

"French president makes bold declaration that could come back to haunt him in 2011"

You mean:

"French president makes bold declaration that could come back to haunt Harper and the Con's in 2011"

or whenever the next election is.

This article suggests that perhaps President Sarkozy doesn't know what he's talking about. However, Sarkozy is an experienced politician and leader of one of the top economies. It is not likely that he would make such a statement, so publicly, and at the G20, unless he did. It is clear he had given it considerable though.

Also, it is not hard to imagine holding a G8-20 and coming in with a bill far less than the one Harper, Flaherty, Clement has stuck the Canadian tax payers with. After all every other country in the history of the G8/G20 has. I'm not sure it would take much thought to come in at 1/10th of Harper.

Stephen Harper, next time you get the urge to squander a billion or two of our hard earned tax dollars on throwing a big bash give Sarkozy a call.

Better yet, let Sarkozy, or someone else that holds the interest of their country ahead of crass partizan self-interest, do it.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html