23 June, 2010

- Lest Our Children Regret Our Turn at the Helm

Submitted: 10:45am, PDT, 23 Jun.'10 CBC News

CSIS claim's timing under scrutiny, Last Updated: Wednesday, June 23, 2010, CBC News

How about Harper and the Neo-Con, Republican influence from the US. The real extent of the influence might be worth investigating.

The impact on Harper and his polices is pretty straight forward, although Harper and the Con's try obscuration, obstruction, obfuscation to hide it. It's insidious and a lot of people think that because it's from the US, it's ok.

However, Canadians made the decision not to be American generations ago.

And, with leaders like Lester B. Pearson, and Pierre Trudeau, our parents' generation also turned away from being subservient to the big International Corporations such as the Oil Industry and stubbornly persisted to base our policies on what is in the best interests of Canadians and not on what maximizes the profits of these Internationals based in the US.

Those who have held stewardship before us worked and sacrificed hard to build, and were vigilant to maintain, a nation, separate unto ourselves, for which we can all be proud. Let us do the same and hand off to our children a Canada that we all can be proud of and not something for which our children will regret that we were ever given a chance at the helm.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html