30 June, 2010

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho It's Off To Alberta We Go . . .

continued - see below

Posted: 6/30/2010 10:30:47 AM the Globe and Mail
Canada’s economy stalls in April, GDP unchanged as second quarter gets off to slow start, Ottawa - Globe and Mail, Jun. 30, 2010

"A large decline in retail trade and smaller declines in manufacturing and utilities were offset by increases in mining, wholesale trade and, to a lesser extent, the public sector and construction, Statistics Canada said Wednesday."
(CBC News)

tourism-related industries - overnight visitors: -1.7%
Retail trade: -1.7%
Manufacturing: -0.3%

mining and oil and gas extraction: +0.5%
(CBC News)

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html